Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Psychology

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Contact Information

Phone: 69500000


fatimah hamdi nafea alganami

 Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Fatimah Alganami

Interested in psychosis and positive symptom of mental disorders, concentrating on "symptoms oriented approach". Stigma of psychosis, and personality disorders and related factors such as socialization and environment. 


  • 2001

    Bachelor degree from PsychologyArts and Humanities, King Abdul-Aziz, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2017

    Doctorate degree from Psychological SciencesPsychology Health and Society, University of Liverpool, ليفربول, بريطانيا


Research Interests

Scientific interests


Areas of expertise

Teaching and supervising and counselling Teaching subjects related to Clinical Psychology and psycho-measurement, research methods and Statistics; supervising Master's thesises; and conducting counselling sessions
Teaching, supervision and counseling Teaching subjects related to clinical psychology, psychometrics and statistics. As well as supervising master's theses, and holding psychological counseling sessions
Teaching, supervision and counseling Teaching subjects related to clinical psychology, psychometrics and statistics. As well as supervising master's theses, and holding psychological counseling sessions